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postet på Oktober 20 2020

Hva er jobbutsiktene for Østerrike?

By  editor
oppdatert Februar 27 2024

Austria has a well-developed economy and is dominated by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) unlike other European nations. There are a number of industries in Austria that offer employment opportunities through the year. The industries that will have a significant amount of job opportunities will be the healthcare sector and the education sector. In the healthcare sector, there is a high demand for jobs like dentist, medical doctor, or surgeon which are amongst the best paid jobs in Austria.

Overseas job seekers can find job opportunities in the construction sector, tourism industry, the IT industry etc. Austria being a major tourist destination has job opportunities for foreigners in businesses such as resorts, hotels, restaurants etc. The other sectors which employ foreign workers in Austria include finance and insurance, machinery, vehicles and parts, metals, chemicals, food production, transport, and education. Apart from this, the following professions are facing a skill shortage:

  • Bygningsarbeidere
  • Fagfolk innen databehandling
  • Sykepleiere
  • Mekanikere
  • Kraftteknikere


According to a report released in 2015 by CEDEFOP, European Center for the Development of Vocational Training, which gives details of the Skills Forecast for Austria up to 2025, employment growth in Austria is expected to be in the service and sales sector. Based on this report, 10% of the job opportunities till 2025 will be available in crafts and related trades. The sectors with the highest employment growth till 2030 will be non-metallic mineral products and manufactured fuels. However, the highest increase in job openings will be in the health and education sector. Apart from this, the replacement demand in Austria is expected to provide nine times the job opportunities then expansion demand till 2025.  If you are thinking of overseas career with a job in Austria, you must first assess if your skills can be a match to jobs in these sectors.


Topp ti best betalte jobber i Østerrike med årslønn

 Prognosen på CEDEFOP dekker perioden frem til 2030. Den tok hensyn til global økonomisk utvikling frem til mai 2019. Den europeiske økonomien var i kontinuerlig vekst i syv år på rad i 2019. Kortsiktige økonomiske konsekvenser har blitt generert med fremveksten av koronaviruspandemien og påfølgende nedstengninger, men langsiktige faktorer som vil påvirke jobbmuligheter i europeiske land, som aldrende demografi, økt bruk av automatisering/kunstig intelligens, globalisering, mangel på kapital, etc., vil fortsette å være innflytelsesrik.



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