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postet på 06. mars 2017

Israel verden i ett land ønsker turister velkommen med enklere politikk

By  editor
oppdatert April 02 2024

Get ready to experience the indescribable beauty of Israel it is going to be the journey of a lifetime. It is an assurance that you would like to witness its grandeur with your loved ones as well. Israel rated amongst the top 20 best countries to live makes the policies easier for tourists to yearn for the Alps and desire to ski in the clear waters this will be one unforgettable moment. It is one place that has the most captivating places your eyes would not like to miss. As global tourism is at its best compared to the yesteryears. With a consistent increase each year. 

As a matter of fact, no place is safe from risks while we visit but the host countries have taken an added responsibility to take strict measures to make travel for foreign nationals absolutely safe till they make it back to their respective countries. The impact of the global village is so much so that the marketing budget has increased to ten times compared to what it was a few years back. The number of Indian travelers seems to be topping the list of visitors making it with an Israeli Tourist Visa. India adds to its credit for being the forerunning market spearhead to take tourism Israel into a new horizon. Israel ensures to deal any security conflict with ease. The eligible policies and requirements are being made easy for tourists to make it to the “Land flowing with milk and honey”, precisely meaning the prosperity and grandeur of the country.


Krav til et Israel turistvisum

Turistvisumet til Israel er et B2-visum, gyldig i 90 dager og forlengelsen gjelder forutsatt at formålet med forlengelsen bærer relevant bevis og autentisitet. For å motta et Israel turistvisum er det visse legitimasjon som er:

  • Et gyldig pass
  • En søknad fullstendig utfylt og signert av søkeren.
  • To siste fotografier med navnet på søkeren skrevet bak hvert fotografi i en enkel bakgrunn.
  • Beviset på billetter til og fra
  • Et følgebrev som angir formålet med besøket kan være for en omvisning eller et forretningsformål. Brevet må også inneholde bevis på overnatting og detaljert reiseplan.
  • Bevis på midler under oppholdet i Israel.
  • En personlig kontoutskrift med søkerens navn for de siste tre månedene er påbudt.
  • Den medisinske helseforsikringen støtter søkeren i tilfelle akutt dårlig helse.
  • Forsikringens gyldighet må være gyldig til reisen er fullført.
  • Alle dokumenter må være på papir i A4-størrelse.
  • Det bør være ett sett med alle dokumentene i tillegg som skal sendes inn mens søknaden behandles.
  • Ved invitasjon er det nødvendig med sponsorbrev og en kopi av passet.

The processing time it takes to process the documents for an Israel tourist visa is five to seven working days. The fees once paid will not be refunded. An aspect to be considered important is the submission to avail a visa can be accessed online as well. After the visa is being processed it would take a maximum of 8 working days for the applicant to receive the passport to the mailing address. The application and the passport can be tracked through to check the status of the application. There is also a message service available to have the information handy on your mobile phones as well.


All these specifications have to be mentioned while the application is being filled. The best places to visit are the phenomenal natural wonder of the world the Dead Sea, the temple mount, the dome of the rock, the foundation stone and much more. Israel considers every visitor as a family, to experience the world’s best food and the coffee shop networking. Make it to the country that has appropriately emancipated in revenue and modern technology. And if you have an interest you would love to indulge in, during your stay. Knock and the doors shall open for you to experience something much better than the best.


If there is anything more sacred and worth celebrating make Israel your destination Y-Axis the renowned immigration consultant will make any travel destination reachable. Firstly through the application processing procedure and then the service deliverables. Especially at a time when the immigrations policies keep changing and travelers are in a fix what to step to take. Y-Axis has got that ebb towards every need of yours which we consider highly prominent. If you have a dream to travel to the best destinations, Y-Axis will make it happen.





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